Saturday, February 19, 2005

Meeting with Steve White?

Hi, everyone! I've been corresponding w/ Steve White a bit and asked him if he'd come and speak to our group to share some of his expertise from 20 years of working for homeschooling freedoms. I'd like to know what we can do to foster a better understanding of homeschooling among the legislators and to get rid of the stereotype that homeschoolers are always political conservatives.

Anyone else interested? What would you like to hear him discuss? Let me know. Here's his email to me about this.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve White
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 21:32:22 -0700

Hi Cherilyn,

Thanks for your letter.

(This is from a previous email I sent him.)
>My next question is, how can we prevent this dance from going on every
>two years? As a person who generally votes Democrat, I feel a
>responsibility be an example to the legislators of how people can get
>beyond partisanship and work side by side on an issue. How can I talk
>to the progessive legislators to let them know that homeschooling
>isn't a partisan and/or religious issue?

The greatest thing we do is let them judge us by the fruit. Sen Ryan
assembled a committee that he planned on their support. For many reasons,
the committee turned on him. Sen Kitzenburg, a Republican is not a fan of
homeschools. He is a teacher and would have supported the bill. So it does
cross lines. But the chair put Sen Kit on the committee to vote for the
bill. There are those that are against the freedoms we have. Typically the
Ed committee is mainly teachers. And those in the public sector are
sometimes resentful of the success of homeschools.
>Would you be willing to come and speak to our homeschool group in the
>future to educate us on how the system works and how we can be
>proactive within it?

I would welcome the opportunity to speak to your group. Set up a time and
place and let's see if what the calendar looks like.

>Thanks again for all you've done and all you continue to do.

Thank you for all your dialog. I have enjoyed it greatly.



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